Friday, April 5, 2013

Last day Blog entry :-(

It's been so amazing working at Kairos all week making new friends and building relationships. Every morning our host, John, has been giving us a Bible study and he has been challenging us to do something with our faith. His words have been such an encouragement through this week with everyone getting sick and what not. Later we did the same kids club we've been doing and it was just so amazing to see the smiles on everyone's faces. Its bitter sweet because we're leaving tomorrow morning. The other day we had two of the kids asking how they could become Christians' s today we gave Mark and Chloe Bibles with some encouraging notes in it. But the amazing thing was that in no less than 10 minutes Mark was sitting in a chair reading his new Bible while everyone else was dancing around. The kids have all been so amazing. We had our last walk to the beach and now we are having a girls night at the Kairos center watching high school musical while the guys are out playing some midnight football. These girls are amazing.

So today is our last day and I can without a doubt say I want to live here for life. I absolutely love theses kids. Today Andrea, a little girl I bonded with looked at me and whispered "I love you, I don't want you to leave me". Too cute!! It burdens me that a lot of these kids don't have very good home situations or structure...however, A little boy named Mark asked how he could become a Christian and spent all of singing time reading Genesis. I got the impression some of these kids have never even heard about God so it was amazing leading small groups with them discussing what our favorite thing about God was. This team inspires me. They push me to do my best and where I'm lacking, they are strong in. It's been amazing talking about what God is doing in our lives during devotions. This trip has also helped us grow as people in responsibility. We have practically ran this kids camp on our own. When the skit wasn't working out, we'd improv...when small group wasn't going well, we'd adapt and ask kids questions they could relate to. It's amazing building relationships with these kids and seeing God work through them and for them.
- Melissa

As I sit at Kairos chaperoning the girls night in while the boys are out playing football aka soccer, I can't help but reflect on the week and the amazing memories we all have. It is going to be hard to leave tomorrow (I really want to move here) but at the same time we are all at least a wee bit excited to come home and share our experiences with everyone. It has been a true blessing watching this team grow and mature through this week. Each of the kids has impacted me in one way or another and I just hope that the bonds that were built during our time here continue to grow once we return home. John and Jo Moxen have become family to each and everyone us and I was truly blessed to have gotten to know them and have them share their testimony with The team. It was also amazing to have gotten to work with Kylie and the rest of the team at Kairos. Please continue to pray for the people of New Castle as well as the staff of Murlough House. See you all tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. seems as though u guys did amazing work this week im sure those kids will remember it forever, enjoy your last nite and have a safe journey back home to all of us who are anxiously awaiting your arival
