Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Keeping up with who is keeping up to date

One of the cool things about the blogs for our various mission teams is to see where some of the page views are coming from.  Obviously, there will be a lot from the Philadelphia region and views from the where the other teams are.  But we also have the following:
Northern Ireland blog - 4 from Costa Rica, 2 from Czech Republic, 30 from Germany.
Boston blog - 3 from Germany
Philadelphia blog - 2 from Germany, 1 from Mexico
Jamaica blog - 37 from Germany

So visitors? Thanks for checking in.  Would love to hear from you.

Jack Savidge, TKCS missions coordinator


  1. Cold nights in NJ, and 40's - 50's during days. Keep up the great work - to God be all Glory! ...and may Bus keep our Christians between the 'lions'. : )

  2. hope u guys had a great day of service and i really hope mr savidge got to check out the golf course. keep up the good work
