Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday

Happy Easter everyone. Today was our first day really serving in New Castle. We started our day celebrating Easter at the Methodist Church before heading to the streets to invite people to a time of worship at the Community Center. It was so awesome getting to see the kids step out of their comfort zone and invite them to a time of worship. I'm looking forward to seeing how God continues to use the team as we begin our work with the children's ministry tomorrow. Please pray for the kids that we will be serving tomorrow and through out the rest of the week.


Hey everyone!! This is extremely awkward because i have no idea how to start this...well...uh here's a few highlights
- first was going to a new Methodist church. Compared to my modern church, this was rather interesting. I had No idea hymn books still existed and there were 21 old people total. However, Hanna and I got to sit with the sweetest woman which was an encouraging start of the day
- second was walking the street handing out flyers. I got to meet lots of Irish people, get asked to say things like "Gatorade" and got to try out riding a unicycle. How fun!
- third was going to a "fuse" meeting which is like a youth group for everyone. Hanna and I got to meet a group of teens that were so fun and hear a great message on the resurrection. Also, we got to meet a few of the teens we'll be working with.
- fourth was climbing a hill to look at the beautiful sunset behind the snow covered mountains and beach and the city lights with Lauren and Hanna talking about how amazing our God is for giving us the gift of a glimpse of heaven. I just love Him and talking about Him with my best friends. Isn't he good?
- lastly was a funny memory. After the mountain gazing, when it was dark, we had to walk down the mountain. Hanna and I were attempting to inch down the mountain when Dan bolted right down safely. We figured that must be the best option so Hanna pushed me down....running full speed I was suddenly air born and parallel to the ground. Cute right? Luckily, Dan looked back just in time. I crashed right into him and we tumbled to the ground. I will have a permanent head ache and he will have splinter problems....all I remember is uttering "am I still alive?" Haha.
Love this trip, love this team....God blesS!!!
--melly moo cow

Hello family and friends this is Myles were all having a grand time here in Northern Ireland the scenery is just amazing, this is one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. Today , you wouldn't believe it, we went to church in the oldest church in Newcastle, it looked like it would have gargoyles and stuff. They also had a very interesting way if doing communion ; we had to go up to the alter get on our knees and eat the bread and drink the juice.

Some other things we did were hiking, having STARBUCKS (in ireland), and having BACON FLAVORED potato chips!!!!! That's unbelievable like we really need that at home, they are just amazing. Either way it is getting late and I'm going to have to cry myself to sleep tonight because there is no walking dead tonight here in the uk but never the less have a nice day everyone and God bless.


Day 4 pictures: Happy Easter from Newcastle, No. Ireland

Here are some pictures from today.

Happy Easter and the lost hour

Happy Easter, everyone!!

Today we celebrate the Saviour conquering death.

It is also the beginning of daylight savings time here, for us the second one of the year.  Unlike the change a couple of weeks ago, we will never get this one back. Never, it's lost forever.  Oh what will we consider at the end of our live?  What would we do for one more hour, in one more day?  Please Lord, help to use each and every hour in honoring You.

Oh, families, we will try to make some calls home later today.


Saturday, March 30, 2013

Day 3: Belfast and Downpatrick

Today Gabrielle Case and Indasjah Figeuroa share a little about our trip to Belfast.

Gabrielle: This morning we went to the Titanic museum in Belfast which took us about an hour to get there. The museum was five floors, and it was packed with so much information about the building of the ship, the departure of the ship, and the passengers. It was really interesting to read about every little detail about the ship and find out things that we didn't know already. After we went through the first floor, we took an elevator up to the next one and we got on a little ride where we found out more about the steerage people of the ship. It was very interesting to see things about the Titanic that we didn't know before.

Indasjah: Today the team went around the city of Belfast and examined the different cultural activities and style. The girls that we saw today wore stockings with high waisted shorts in 30 degree weather, the way they had their makeup and hair was very shocking to me because its seems like they were trying to not be themselves and hide something very precious that God has in store for them but they don't realize it yet. The way teenagers act here compared to the ones in United States is different because you don't see parents with them and they do whatever they want such as drugs, alcohol & they smoke much more than American kids. That kind of affected me in a way because it makes me care for their health and future & they don't realize that with God in their lives He is their medicine and cure for every problem and incident that the devil may attack them with.

And now some from me (Jack): Today we drove I to Belfast. And by we, I mean I drove the big minibus, with a manual transmission, on narrow, unfamiliar roads. I truly love driving but this was just a little stressful. I had Alex in the front to remind me on right had turns to turn to the far lane and to stay to the left. In the end, we only hit the curb a couple of times and we made it back in one piece. By the time we get home, I hope I can adjust back.

Belfast was a pretty interesting city. It is divided Protestant and Catholic. You could tell what the loyalties were by either a Union Jack or an Irish Tricolor flag hanging on the street lamps. It was fascinating and tragic all at once. After the Titanic Museum, we wandered around the city center for a while. We saw the Albert Clock Tower which leans over by a few degrees and, much to my annoyance, went to Starbucks. Why we would travel thousands of miles to go to a Starbucks is beyond me. After visiting Belfast we drove to Downpatrick and visited what is believed to be the gravesite of St. Patrick, which was pretty awesome. It may not really be his grave, but it is a reminder of the great evangelistic work Patrick did in Ireland and how he allowed himself to be used by God. The Cathedral next to the cemetery was awesome. The large cross outside looks to be hundreds of years old. We truly are a church invisible, continuing through the centuries in the devotion and faith of people all over the world.

I am constantly amazed by Lauren's natural gifting to be able to engage people in conversation. Every time we just we sitting around she would be talking to someone new. Being pretty shy, I am praying that I learn something from her this week. I was reminded about that, unfortunately, when we walked under the Main Street to cross from one side to another. There were a group of teens smoking and drinking. Instead of talking to them and sharing the gospel, I hurried our group along. I am praying for the boldness to stop and engage, as Jesus (and Lauren) would.

Pray for us as we celebrate Easter away from family and friends. We will be at a small Methodist church in Newcastle tomorrow and then will be helping with a children's program in the afternoon. Everyone is very excited to start our programs.

Happy Easter everyone. Christ has risen, everything has changed!! May I be constantly changed by Christ.

Day 3 pictures: Belfast and Downpatrick

Pictures from our trip to Belfast and Downpatrick (where St. Patrick is buried)

Pictures from Day 2: exploring the area around Murlough House (spoileralert: it's awesome)

Here are some pics from around Murlough House

Friday, March 29, 2013

Day 2: training and exploring

Dan Meacham reports on day 2

Today the team had its first training session. This consisted of the team learning the guidelines, rules and how to deal with special scenarios. We then had free time during which Mr. Savidge took to sharpen his British driving skills (keep the group in prayer for that!). Certain teammates whet on a nature photography hike in the large dunes area behind Murlough House. We saw seals and sea millipedes (which are just one of the most disgusting things ever). Finally the day ended with tea time then some more training and devotion time. It has such a breathtakingly amazing day to see some of God's creation throughout the scenery.

Jack: keep us in prayer as we continue to prepare for the coming week. We have enjoyed exploring the dunes and the moops (Seinfeld fans know what that means). They are just awesome although I can't help thinking this area would make an awesome links golf course. Today we learned a lot about working with children and about the particular issues in ministering to both Protestant and Catholic young people in Northern Ireland. I got a little bit practice driving the mini bus on the left side of the road (it's a manual too, so I'm shifting with my left hand and first gear is away from me. My brain will be working overtime.). Tomorrow we explore a little bit in Belfast. God bless, keep us in prayer and keep the comments coming.

Republishing yesterday's pic

Trying a different setting on the pics